View of the event hall exterior

When to book a restaurant for a wedding?

"Dreams are plans made in the mind, and plans are dreams put down on paper." If you've recently experienced one of the happiest moments of your life - the marriage proposal, it's time to bring your dreams to life with a fabulous wedding. Where should a good planning start?
Every bride, whether her engagement was long-awaited or spontaneous, desires the most beautiful wedding. Therefore, the first thing you should do is not change your social media status or even search for a wedding dress, but book the banquet hall. Do not delay this step, as if you want to have your wedding at the best restaurant in Chisinau, you need to be prepared as all dates might be already booked for the next 1.5 - 2 years. Why is it necessary to pre-book a wedding restaurant in Moldova?
See below for some important reasons.
More options. It's essential to choose from what you like rather than what's left. When it comes to luxury restaurants, which are not plentiful in our country, it's worth acting quickly. Additionally, considering the current situation, many couples from the 2020 season postponed their wedding dates to 2021. Therefore, it's now more important than ever to secure the location you've dreamed of.
More time for preparation. It's no secret that wedding planning is a process that requires a lot of time and effort. And the earlier you start, the more perfect your wedding will be.
More time to gather necessary resources. Renting a restaurant is one of the most costly items in a wedding budget. But if you book it in advance, you'll have enough time to collect the required sum.
The possibility to choose a beautiful date. For many couples, this decision becomes a real issue because they have to consider several aspects. Besides the season in which the event will take place, don't forget about religious moments and other important family dates. Therefore, the earlier you start organizing your wedding, the more chances you'll have to unite your destinies on a day where the date, month, and year form a truly beautiful combination.
Choose to celebrate your wedding at MiaDora restaurant, and you'll see how your dreams become a reality! For reservations, call us at +373 67 56 56 56